Westside German Shepherd Rescue of Los Angeles is a non profit 501(c)3, no kill rescue committed to saving
all types of German Shepherd Dogs from high kill shelters and adopting them to loving, qualified homes.

Marlow von Meiningen

Marlow von Meiningen is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. What a cutie!!  Marlow’s radiant smile can brighten even the cloudiest day -- and he has a darling personality to match.  An affectionate boy, he enjoys brushing up against you in hopes for cuddles. He has a medium-energy level and enjoys being active.  He looks forwards to walks and is curious and alert to his surroundings.  Marlow is also attentive and treat motivated.  When it comes to other dogs, he has been a great greater.  He’s gotten good marks on pack walks and when meeting other dogs on leash.  In playgroups, he feels comfortable coming into the yard and exploring the entire area.  He avoids pushy dogs and just seems to be happy to be part of the pack.  He is looking forward to meeting you!

Rescued from the SEACCA animal shelter. Weight: 71 lbs


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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights reserved. 241210